Updated on April 1, 2024
3 min read

Weed Detox Timeline: How Long Does It Take?

If you’re ready to stop using weed, you should know that you’re going to experience some challenges. Your body will need time to readjust to the lack of marijuana in its system, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms.

Understanding these symptoms and the timeline can help you get ready for withdrawal. Just remember that your experience may vary.

When Does Withdrawal Happen?

Withdrawal symptoms usually start within the first or second day after quitting. They’ll typically be at their worst for 2 to 6 days.

After 3 weeks, most physical symptoms should fade. But you’ll still feel some cravings alongside psychological and emotional symptoms.

From 3 to 45 days, you’ll experience sleep disturbances and strange dreams. Some psychological symptoms might continue for up to 5 weeks.

Weed Withdrawal Symptoms

Throughout the withdrawal process, you’ll experience various physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms at different times. The timeline and symptoms of weed withdrawal include:

TimelineTypical Withdrawal Symptoms
1-3 days after quittingIrritability, anxiety, trouble sleeping, restlessness, sometimes weight loss
2-6 days after quittingIncreased irritability, anxiety, sleep issues, physical discomfort, sweating, headaches, stomach problems
Up to 3 weeksMost physical symptoms fade. Cravings and mood changes can persist but become less intense.
30-45 daysSleep disturbances and strange dreams are common and may trigger relapse. Some psychological symptoms can continue.

Factors That Influence Weed Detox

Not everyone reacts the same when they stop using marijuana. How difficult or long your detox is depends on several factors.

Let’s take a look at the key influences that shape your withdrawal experience:

  • Marijuana strength: Higher THC levels may mean stronger withdrawal
  • Frequency of use: Using marijuana for a long time can lead to a longer withdrawal period
  • Polydrug use: Using alcohol or other drugs along with marijuana, detox could be more complicated
  • Mental health: Underlying mental health conditions may worsen withdrawal symptoms

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Tips For Dealing With a Weed Detox

Detoxing from weed can be difficult but there are ways to manage withdrawal. Here are some tips that can help you get through a detox:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Prioritize sleep
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Reduce or limit caffeine use
  • Reach out for support from loved ones

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Treatments That Can Help With Detox

If you don’t want to detox at home, there are treatment options that can help you manage symptoms and deal with cravings. These can be especially helpful for people with severe or intense withdrawal symptoms.

Available treatments include:

While physical detox has a set timeframe, addressing the psychological side of marijuana use might take longer.  With professional support, you can effectively overcome cravings and establish healthier habits.

Where to Get Help

If you’re struggling with marijuana withdrawal, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers a national helpline for treatment and resources: 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

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Updated on April 1, 2024

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